Best Delegation - Yashod Ramsaha Award
Yashod Ramsaha was the first Secretary General of CPSS MUN, when the club officially first started in the school year of 2015-2016. Yashod has spent his first year studying at the University of British Columbia, and is now studying at Ryerson University for a degree in Political Science. He is currently doing some Humanitarian work with Professors Enns (from Ryerson), designing online course material for impoverished children in refugee camps in impoverished nations. CPSS Model United Nations recognizes and commemorates his hard work in Humanitarian studies, thus naming Yashod after the Best Delegation award. The best delegation award will be presented to the school that has the best performance overall. The point system is as follows,
Best Delegate - 4 points
Outstanding Delegate - 3 points
Honourable Mention - 2 point
Best Position Paper - 1 point
Most Outstanding Delegation - Malaika Abow Award
Malaika Abow, former graduate of Central Peel, is currently a student at York University studying International Development Studies (IDS). She currently has aspirations of attending law school after she completes her undergraduate degree. She attributes the choice of IDS as her field of study and her future career aspirations to CPSSMUN. MUN wasn't just an afterschool activity for her; it was where she cultivated strong friendships and had transformative educational experiences. From planning to attending conferences, she recognizes and is appreciative of the immense impact CPSSMUN has had on her life. The most outstanding delegation award will be presented to the school that has the second best performance overall.